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Earthbound Metaphysical shoppe 

Where Spiritual Growth Knows No Bounds

Shipping Policies

Our shipping and return policies are designed with you, our customer, in mind, to make your shopping process as easy as possible.

Flat Rate Shipping Anywhere in the U.S. We use U.S. Postal Service Priority Mail to ship to the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Territories. We aim to use USPS Flat Rate services based on the weight and size of the items, and shipping costs will be charged to the customer at the actual cost. Usually, items are shipped within 3 - 4 business days after payment is received, and a confirmation email with a tracking number will be sent to the customer.

International Shipping

Currently, we do not offer international shipping. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Return Policy

Unused, unopened items can be returned within 15 days of purchase for a full refund. The items must still be in their original packaging, and the receipt of purchase must be included. The customer is responsible for the cost of return shipping. If items are damaged in transit, please contact the management of Earthbound Metaphysical Shoppe Inc. before returning them for a refund or replacement.

Returns should be sent to:

Earthbound Metaphysical Shoppe, Inc.

434 South Main Street, North Syracuse, New York 13212

Last updated on August 17th, 2024.

Robert Gervais

Address: 434 South Main street, north syracuse, ny 13112

Phone:  (315)529-2825

Copyright © 2024 - 2025 Earthbound Metaphysical Shoppe Inc. - All Rights Reserved.© Earthbound Metaphysical Shoppe Inc.