Imbolc holds a significant place in the Wheel of the Year, marking a pivotal transition that symbolizes the renewal of life and the gradual return of light. Celebrated annually on February 1st, this ancient festival invites participants to reflect deeply on themes of hope and growth, as well as the awakening of nature following the long, cold months of winter's slumber. As the days begin to lengthen and the first signs of spring emerge, Imbolc serves as a reminder of the cyclical nature of life and the promise of new beginnings. It encourages us to embrace the warmth of the returning sun and to recognize the potential for growth and transformation in our own lives as we celebrate the burgeoning energy of the earth.
Date, time & price of class
(Next Class TBD)
The price for this class is $50.00
Class Topics
This class Is taught by the
Shoppe's founder
Robert Gervais, CH, RMT
The deadline to register for this class is TBD
You may register for this class by visiting us at
Earthbound Metaphysical Shoppe or give us a
call at (315)529-2825
*Payment for this class is due at the
time of registration.